mercoledì 8 febbraio 2017


Word of mouth has always been a powerful marketing tool. Not only because it’s inexpensive and produces great results, but because it builds a layer of confidence with your customers that other marketing tactics simply can’t. We tend to trust and value the opinions of people with whom we frequently communicate. Therefore, if a friend or family member recommends a specific restaurant, clothing store or brand of eyeshadow, you’re more likely to act upon that recommendation and make a purchase than if you’d seen an ad online or in a magazine. It’s every marketer’s dream scenario.

Then, social media came along. Social media has fundamentally changed word of mouth communication. Now, consumer-to-consumer communication doesn’t only take place in person between a few close friends, but takes place on social media channels among potentially thousands of friends and followers. And let’s not forget brand-to-consumer communication — which is more accurately described as consumer-to-brand communication — because social media channels act as megaphones for consumers to voice their opinions about products and services. This can be a scary situation for marketers because, chances are, not every interaction an individual has with a brand over the course of a lifetime is going to be absolutely perfect, and the opportunities for a disgruntled customer to voice an opinion online are plentiful.
This is where influencer marketing steps up to bat. I’m not saying that influencer marketing is going to make dissatisfied customer commentary disappear, because that is simply not the case. However, if done correctly, it can be a powerful tool used to enhance the voice of a loyal customer, or “brand advocate.”
Social media channels have increased the visibility of, and arguably even given birth to, experts on nearly every subject you can think of; experts that are passionate about what your brand has to offer. Fashion bloggers, photographers, makeup experts, DIY-ers, fitness fanatics, and more share their interests and opinions on channels like YouTube, Vine, Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, etc. for others to digest. These experts are the individuals consumers turn to for product information because they are perceived as more knowledgeable and trustworthy than biased, corporate-speaking companies. These are the individuals who can impact your marketing efforts if a lasting and meaningful relationship is built between your brand and theirs. With a little bit of teamwork, both an expert and a brand can reap benefits like increased exposure, trust and meaningful interactions online.
Now that you know how influencer marketing developed and why it is beneficial, where do you start your efforts? That’s where I will begin in next month’s blog post!

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